What can you do in 60 seconds? It seems like doing anything for 1 minute would be easy, but if you have sparred in a ring or done a Tabata workout or participated in a race, that 60 seconds can feel like an eternity.
In our minds, 1 minute of anything is very doable but what do we do when our bodies think otherwise?
What is it that you want to do in your walk with God? If we take the 60 second concept anything seems doable. Talk to Him more, listen more, read the Word more, be more positive, mentor someone, reconnect with someone.
The first step to overcome anything is to Walk In The Spirit: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. – Rom. 12:2.
The Bible says we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16), and we have been made one with Him (John 17:22). This means we have the right and ability to think the same way Jesus thinks about things. We can start to view people, problems, challenges, the same way Jesus would view them if He were walking in our bodies (because He is!).
Renewing your mind is an activity you can initiate at any time with the Holy Spirit who is living in you. Simply take some time to sit with Him and ask Him to give you Jesus’ thoughts about whatever challenge you are facing.
If you were a manager of a company and given 1 minute, what would you do?
In the book, “The One Minute Manager”, there are 3 basic ideas:
- One–minute goals
- One–minute praising’s
- One–minute change
One–Minute Goals:
If you don’t know where you are going you may eventually get there, but the journey might be longer and more challenging. Set one-minute goals. To set one-minute goals, plan the goals by writing them down or speaking them out. Describe them briefly and concisely. Do this with a family member or friend for more accountability. Example: Every day, I am going to read a scripture from the bible for 1 minute.
One-Minute Praising’s:
Praising’s are quick bursts of positive affirmation. In the business world, many times the only feedback given is negative. Finding the positive and affirming it is motivating and keeps us moving forward in our walk with Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 – Rejoice in the Lord always. Example: I am really proud of all I accomplished this week – thank you Jesus!
One Minute Change:
I call this course correction. It’s ok to course correct! A problem always has a solution with God. Focus on the expected outcome or solution. Don’t dwell on the negative or what went wrong, course correct and focus on God’s promises. John 16:33. Example: That meeting did not go as positively as I had planned, but that is ok, I learned from it and know how to go into the next meeting more positively.
Remember small steps lead to big results:
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